Our Services and Practice Areas

Receive a service that covers 100% of your company's legal needs

Business Law
Civil Law
Tax Law
  • Personal Income Tax (IRPF)
  • Value Added Tax (IVA)
  • Wealth Tax
  • Corporate Tax
  • Inheritance and Donations Tax
  • Blockchain
  • Smart Contracts
  • Token Issuance
  • Digital Contracts
  • Payment Entity License
  • Electronic Money License
  • Cryptocurrency Service Provider License: Custody and/or Exchange
  • Artificial Intelligence

Leading firm in legal services.

Virtual Crypto Jurisdiction
Compliance Officer
Commercial Contracts
Inheritance and Successions
Data Protection Obligations for the Company
Smart Contracts

Administrative Law
Bankruptcy Law
International Law
Tax Law

Our Team in the Media

FBS Appearances in News, Interviews, and Reports

Comprehensive Guide to Cryptocurrency Taxation in Spain

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum have gained popularity not only as investment assets but also as tools for financial transactions. […]

Business Establishment in Spain: Legal and Accounting Insights

Our team of lawyers, specialized in business establishment in Spain, examines the legal and accounting challenges faced by organizations when […]

The Emergence of Crypto Assets in the Global Financial Landscape

The emergence of crypto assets has revolutionized the global financial landscape, introducing a new paradigm of decentralized assets and digital […]

Small Payment Institutions: – Complete Guide to Meeting Legal and Regulatory Requirements

In an increasingly digitized and globalized world, financial transactions have become an integral part of our lives. From exchanging money […]

Electronic money institution licence in Spain

What is an electronic money institution granted in Spain? Electronic money institutions are legal entities authorized to issue electronic money, […]

Payment institution licence in Spain

What is a payment institution licensed in Spain? Payment institutions are legal entities to which the Banc of Spain has […]

What Our Clients Say About Us

Where to Find Us

Write to us at despacho@fbsabogados.com or contact our offices at:


Calle Antonio Acuña, 9 – 2nd floor left.
28009 Madrid
Phone: 910 18 29 46


Calle Estella, 8 – 1st floor left.
31002 Pamplona
Phone: 948 21 24 14
Fax: 948 21 12 39

You can send us an email with your inquiry or call us by phone.

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